This website was created in relation to the exhibition “Moving between Self and Place” taking place at Kunstraum Potsdamer straẞe, Potsdamer Straße 65, 10785 Berlin, from the 3rd of July till the 5th of July 2020. This exhibition, organized by the Studierendenwerk Berlin, will showcase artworks by 5 artists who currently study or have studied at the Universität der Künste Berlin:

Umut Azad Akkel

Léni Chons

Auriane Jaillet

Pegah Keshmirshekan

Sugano Matsusaki
Link to the Facebook event
This website aims at creating a virtual studio, where the creation process of the exhibition is put on display. Having been locked down in different European countries, this virtual studio has been a way for the five participants in the exhibition to keep in touch, and challenge ways of communication and collaboration in these unprecedented times.
Where do you come from ?
A simple question rarely brings a simple answer. What lies under the answer to such a question might be the complexity of the relationship between an individual and their environment. A relationship that reveals the loss of a sense of belonging in a world where the ‘in-between’ becomes a norm.
Woher kommst du?
Auf eine einfache Frage gibt es nur selten eine einfache Antwort. Hinter der Antwort auf diese Frage steckt die komplexe Beziehung eines Individuums zu seinem Umfeld. Eine Beziehung, die den Verlust des Zugehörigkeitsgefühls aufdeckt - in einer Welt, in der das Dazwischen zur Norm geworden ist.
D’où viens-tu?
Une question simple, qui pourtant appelle rarement une réponse simple. Ce qui se cache derrière la réponse donnée, c’est peut-être la complexité de la relation d’un individu à son environnement. Une relation qui révèle la perte du sentiment d’appartenance, dans un monde où “l’entre-deux” devient la norme.
اهل كجاييد؟ یک سؤال ساده اغلب جوابی ساده ندارد. آنچه در پاسخ چنین سؤالی نهفته است، ممکن است به پیچیدگی رابطه ی یک فرد با محیط وی مرتبط باشد. رابطه ای که نشانگر از بین رفتن احساس تعلق در دنیایی است که "بینابینی" به یک هنجار تبدیل می شود.
Nereden geliyorsun ?
Basit bir soru, nadiren, basit bir cevabı getirir. Böyle bir soruya verilmiş bu cevabın altında neler yatıyor; belki de kişi ve çevresi arasındaki ilişkisinin karmaşası yatıyor. Bu illişki ki, arafta(in-between) kalmanın bir norm olduğu bir dünyada, aidiyet hissinin kayboluşunu ortaya çıkaran
bir ilişki...
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